
  • A C++ compiler which supports C++14.

EBGeometry is a header-only library and is comparatively simple to set up and use. To use it, make EBGeometry.hpp (stored at the top level) visible to your code and include it.


To obtain EBGeometry, clone the code from github:

git clone

To compile the EBGeometry example codes, navigate to the EBGeometry/Examples folder. Folders that are named EBGeometry_<something> are pure EBGeometry examples and can be compiled without any third-party dependencies.

To run the EBGeometry examples, navigate to one of the folders in EBGeometry/Examples/EBGeometry_* and execute

g++ -O3 main.cpp && ./a.out

All EBGeometry examples can be run using this command. README files present in each folder provide more information regarding the functionality and usage of each example code.

Third-party examples

Exapmle folders that begin with e.g. AMReX_ or Chombo3_ are application code examples and require the user to install additional third-party software.