The octree functionality is encapsulated in the namespace EBGeometry::Octree
For the full API, see the doxygen API.
Currently, only full octrees are supported (i.e., using a pointer-based representation).
Octrees are encapsulated by a class
template <typename Meta, typename Data = void>
class Node : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Node<Meta, Data>>
where the template parameters are:
Meta-information contained in the node (e.g. upper/lower corners).Data
Data contained in the node.
describes both regular and leaf nodes in the octree.
Octree::Node<Meta, Data>
should only be used as std::shared_ptr<Octree::Node<Meta, Data>>
Constructing the octree is done by first initializing the root node and then building it in either depth-first or breadth-first ordering.
template <typename Meta, typename Data = void>
class Node : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Node<Meta, Data>>
using StopFunction = std::function<bool(const Node<Meta, Data>& a_node)>;
using MetaConstructor = std::function<Meta(const OctantIndex& a_index, const Meta& a_parentMeta)>;
using DataConstructor =
std::function<std::shared_ptr<Data>(const OctantIndex& a_index, const std::shared_ptr<Data>& a_parentData)>;
using Updater = std::function<void(const Node<Meta, Data>& a_node)>;
using Visiter = std::function<bool(const Node<Meta, Data>& a_node)>;
using Sorter = std::function<void(std::array<std::shared_ptr<const Node<Meta, Data>>, 8>& a_children)>;
inline void
buildDepthFirst(const StopFunction& a_stopFunction,
const MetaConstructor& a_metaConstructor,
const DataConstructor& a_dataConstructor) noexcept;
inline void
buildBreadthFirst(const StopFunction& a_stopFunction,
const MetaConstructor& a_metaConstructor,
const DataConstructor& a_dataConstructor) noexcept;
} // namespace Octree
The input functions to buildDepthFirst
and buildBreadthFirst
are as follows:
determines if the node should be split or not. If it returns true, the node will not be split.MetaConstructor
constructs meta-data in the child nodes. This can/should include the physical corners of the node, but this is not a requirement.DataConstructor
constructs data in the child node. This can e.g. be a partitioning of the parent data.
Tree traversal
template <typename Meta, typename Data = void>
class Node : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Node<Meta, Data>>
inline void
const Updater& a_updater,
const Visiter& a_visiter,
const Sorter& a_sorter = [](std::array<std::shared_ptr<const Node<Meta, Data>>, 8>& a_children) -> void {
}) const noexcept;
The input functions to traverse
are as follows:
executes a user-specified update rule when visiting a leaf node.Visiter
determines if the node should be visited during the traversal or not.Sorter
permits the user to sort the nodes in the current subtrees and visit them in a specified pattern. By default, no sorting is done and the nodes are visited in lexicographical order.
An example of how to use the Octree functionality is given in EBGeometry_ImplicitFunctionImplem.hpp
where the octree functionality is used for spatial partitioning of an implicit function.
This includes both the octree construction and traversal.