EBGeometry  1.0
SphereSDF< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SphereSDF< T >, including all inherited members.

approximateBoundingVolumeOctree(const Vec3T< T > &a_initialLowCorner, const Vec3T< T > &a_initialHighCorner, const unsigned int a_maxTreeDepth, const T &a_safety=0.0) const noexceptImplicitFunction< T >inline
getCenter() const noexceptSphereSDF< T >inline
getCenter() noexceptSphereSDF< T >inline
getRadius() const noexceptSphereSDF< T >inline
getRadius() noexceptSphereSDF< T >inline
ImplicitFunction()=defaultImplicitFunction< T >
m_centerSphereSDF< T >protected
m_radiusSphereSDF< T >protected
normal(const Vec3T< T > &a_point, const T &a_delta) const noexceptSignedDistanceFunction< T >inlinevirtual
operator()(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexceptImplicitFunction< T >
signedDistance(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept overrideSphereSDF< T >inlinevirtual
SignedDistanceFunction()=defaultSignedDistanceFunction< T >
SphereSDF()=deleteSphereSDF< T >
SphereSDF(const Vec3T< T > &a_center, const T &a_radius) noexceptSphereSDF< T >inline
SphereSDF(const SphereSDF &a_other) noexceptSphereSDF< T >inline
value(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept override finalSignedDistanceFunction< T >virtual
~ImplicitFunction()=defaultImplicitFunction< T >virtual
~SignedDistanceFunction()=defaultSignedDistanceFunction< T >virtual
~SphereSDF() noexcept=defaultSphereSDF< T >virtual