This is the complete list of members for DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta >, including all inherited members.
computeAndStoreEdges() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inlineprotected |
computeArea() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
computeCentroid() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inlineprotected |
computeNormal() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inlineprotected |
computePolygon2D() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inlineprotected |
define(const Vec3 &a_normal, const EdgePtr &a_edge) noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
Edge typedef | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | |
EdgeIterator typedef | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | |
EdgePtr typedef | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | |
Face typedef | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | |
FacePtr typedef | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | |
FaceT() | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | |
FaceT(const EdgePtr &a_edge) | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | |
FaceT(const Face &a_otherFace) | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | |
flip() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
gatherVertices() const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getAllVertexCoordinates() const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getArea() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inlineprotected |
getArea() const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inlineprotected |
getCentroid() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getCentroid() const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getCentroid(const size_t a_dir) noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getCentroid(const size_t a_dir) const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getHalfEdge() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getHalfEdge() const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getHighestCoordinate() const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getMetaData() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getMetaData() const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getNormal() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getNormal() const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
getSmallestCoordinate() const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
isPointInsideFace(const Vec3 &a_p) const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inlineprotected |
m_centroid | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | protected |
m_halfEdge | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | protected |
m_metaData | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | protected |
m_normal | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | protected |
m_poly2 | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | protected |
m_poly2Algorithm | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | protected |
normalizeNormalVector() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inlineprotected |
projectPointIntoFacePlane(const Vec3 &a_p) const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inlineprotected |
reconcile() noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
setHalfEdge(const EdgePtr &a_halfEdge) noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
setInsideOutsideAlgorithm(typename Polygon2D< T >::InsideOutsideAlgorithm &a_algorithm) noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
signedDistance(const Vec3 &a_x0) const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
unsignedDistance2(const Vec3 &a_x0) const noexcept | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | inline |
Vec3 typedef | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | |
Vertex typedef | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | |
VertexPtr typedef | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | |
~FaceT() | DCEL::FaceT< T, Meta > | virtual |