EBGeometry  1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* EBGeometry
2  * Copyright © 2022 Robert Marskar
3  * Please refer to Copyright.txt and LICENSE in the EBGeometry root directory.
4  */
15 #ifndef EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions
16 #define EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions
18 // Std includes
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <random>
22 // Our includes
34 template <class T>
35 constexpr const T
36 clamp(const T& v, const T& lo, const T& hi)
37 {
38  return (v < lo) ? lo : (v > hi) ? hi : v;
39 }
48 template <class T>
49 constexpr const Vec3T<T>
50 clamp(const Vec3T<T>& v, const Vec3T<T>& lo, const Vec3T<T>& hi)
51 {
52  return Vec3T<T>(clamp(v[0], lo[0], hi[0]), clamp(v[1], lo[1], hi[1]), clamp(v[2], lo[2], hi[2]));
53 }
58 constexpr static std::array<int, 256> s_perlinPermutationTable = {
59  151, 160, 137, 91, 90, 15, 131, 13, 201, 95, 96, 53, 194, 233, 7, 225, 140, 36, 103, 30, 69, 142,
60  8, 99, 37, 240, 21, 10, 23, 190, 6, 148, 247, 120, 234, 75, 0, 26, 197, 62, 94, 252, 219, 203,
61  117, 35, 11, 32, 57, 177, 33, 88, 237, 149, 56, 87, 174, 20, 125, 136, 171, 168, 68, 175, 74, 165,
62  71, 134, 139, 48, 27, 166, 77, 146, 158, 231, 83, 111, 229, 122, 60, 211, 133, 230, 220, 105, 92, 41,
63  55, 46, 245, 40, 244, 102, 143, 54, 65, 25, 63, 161, 1, 216, 80, 73, 209, 76, 132, 187, 208, 89,
64  18, 169, 200, 196, 135, 130, 116, 188, 159, 86, 164, 100, 109, 198, 173, 186, 3, 64, 52, 217, 226, 250,
65  124, 123, 5, 202, 38, 147, 118, 126, 255, 82, 85, 212, 207, 206, 59, 227, 47, 16, 58, 17, 182, 189,
66  28, 42, 223, 183, 170, 213, 119, 248, 152, 2, 44, 154, 163, 70, 221, 153, 101, 155, 167, 43, 172, 9,
67  129, 22, 39, 253, 19, 98, 108, 110, 79, 113, 224, 232, 178, 185, 112, 104, 218, 246, 97, 228, 251, 34,
68  242, 193, 238, 210, 144, 12, 191, 179, 162, 241, 81, 51, 145, 235, 249, 14, 239, 107, 49, 192, 214, 31,
69  181, 199, 106, 157, 184, 84, 204, 176, 115, 121, 50, 45, 127, 4, 150, 254, 138, 236, 205, 93, 222, 114,
70  67, 29, 24, 72, 243, 141, 128, 195, 78, 66, 215, 61, 156, 180};
75 template <class T>
77 {
78 public:
82  PlaneSDF() = delete;
89  PlaneSDF(const Vec3T<T>& a_point, const Vec3T<T>& a_normal) noexcept
90  {
91  m_point = a_point;
92  m_normal = a_normal / a_normal.length();
93  }
99  virtual T
100  signedDistance(const Vec3T<T>& a_point) const noexcept override
101  {
102  return dot((a_point - m_point), m_normal);
103  }
105 protected:
115 };
120 template <class T>
122 {
123 public:
127  SphereSDF() = delete;
134  SphereSDF(const Vec3T<T>& a_center, const T& a_radius) noexcept
135  {
136  this->m_center = a_center;
137  this->m_radius = a_radius;
138  }
143  SphereSDF(const SphereSDF& a_other) noexcept
144  {
145  this->m_center = a_other.m_center;
146  this->m_radius = a_other.m_radius;
147  }
152  virtual ~SphereSDF() noexcept = default;
157  const Vec3T<T>&
158  getCenter() const noexcept
159  {
160  return m_center;
161  }
166  Vec3T<T>&
167  getCenter() noexcept
168  {
169  return m_center;
170  }
175  const T&
176  getRadius() const noexcept
177  {
178  return m_radius;
179  }
184  T&
185  getRadius() noexcept
186  {
187  return m_radius;
188  }
194  virtual T
195  signedDistance(const Vec3T<T>& a_point) const noexcept override
196  {
197  return (a_point - m_center).length() - m_radius;
198  }
200 protected:
210 };
215 template <class T>
217 {
218 public:
222  BoxSDF() = delete;
229  BoxSDF(const Vec3T<T>& a_loCorner, const Vec3T<T>& a_hiCorner) noexcept
230  {
231  this->m_loCorner = a_loCorner;
232  this->m_hiCorner = a_hiCorner;
233  }
238  virtual ~BoxSDF() noexcept
239  {}
245  const Vec3T<T>&
246  getLowCorner() const noexcept
247  {
248  return m_loCorner;
249  }
255  Vec3T<T>&
256  getLowCorner() noexcept
257  {
258  return m_loCorner;
259  }
265  const Vec3T<T>&
266  getHighCorner() const noexcept
267  {
268  return m_hiCorner;
269  }
275  Vec3T<T>&
276  getHighCorner() noexcept
277  {
278  return m_hiCorner;
279  }
285  virtual T
286  signedDistance(const Vec3T<T>& a_point) const noexcept override
287  {
288  // For each coordinate direction, we have delta[dir] if a_point[dir] falls
289  // between xLo and xHi. In this case delta[dir] will be the signed distance
290  // to the closest box face in the dir-direction. Otherwise, if a_point[dir]
291  // is outside the corner we have delta[dir] > 0.
292  const Vec3T<T> delta(std::max(m_loCorner[0] - a_point[0], a_point[0] - m_hiCorner[0]),
293  std::max(m_loCorner[1] - a_point[1], a_point[1] - m_hiCorner[1]),
294  std::max(m_loCorner[2] - a_point[2], a_point[2] - m_hiCorner[2]));
296  // Note: max is max(Vec3T<T>, Vec3T<T>) and not std::max. It returns a
297  // vector with coordinate-wise largest components. Note that the first part
298  // std::min(...) is the signed distance on the inside of the box (delta will
299  // have negative components). The other part max(Vec3T<T>::zero(), ...) is
300  // for outside the box.
301  const T d = std::min(T(0.0), delta[delta.maxDir(false)]) + max(Vec3T<T>::zero(), delta).length();
303  return d;
304  }
306 protected:
316 };
322 template <class T>
324 {
325 public:
329  TorusSDF() = delete;
337  TorusSDF(const Vec3T<T>& a_center, const T& a_majorRadius, const T& a_minorRadius) noexcept
338  {
339  this->m_center = a_center;
340  this->m_majorRadius = a_majorRadius;
341  this->m_minorRadius = a_minorRadius;
342  }
347  virtual ~TorusSDF() noexcept
348  {}
354  const Vec3T<T>&
355  getCenter() const noexcept
356  {
357  return m_center;
358  }
364  Vec3T<T>&
365  getCenter() noexcept
366  {
367  return m_center;
368  }
374  const T&
375  getMajorRadius() const noexcept
376  {
377  return m_majorRadius;
378  }
384  T&
385  getMajorRadius() noexcept
386  {
387  return m_majorRadius;
388  }
394  const T&
395  getMinorRadius() const noexcept
396  {
397  return m_minorRadius;
398  }
404  T&
405  getMinorRadius() noexcept
406  {
407  return m_minorRadius;
408  }
413  virtual T
414  signedDistance(const Vec3T<T>& a_point) const noexcept override
415  {
416  const Vec3T<T> p = a_point - m_center;
417  const T rho = sqrt(p[0] * p[0] + p[1] * p[1]) - m_majorRadius;
418  const T d = sqrt(rho * rho + p[2] * p[2]) - m_minorRadius;
420  return d;
421  }
423 protected:
438 };
443 template <class T>
445 {
446 public:
450  CylinderSDF() = delete;
458  CylinderSDF(const Vec3T<T>& a_center1, const Vec3T<T>& a_center2, const T& a_radius) noexcept
459  {
460  this->m_center1 = a_center1;
461  this->m_center2 = a_center2;
462  this->m_radius = a_radius;
464  // Some derived quantities that are needed for SDF computations.
465  m_center = (m_center2 + m_center1) * 0.5;
468  }
473  virtual ~CylinderSDF() noexcept
474  {}
480  const Vec3T<T>&
481  getCenter1() const noexcept
482  {
483  return m_center1;
484  }
490  const Vec3T<T>&
491  getCenter2() const noexcept
492  {
493  return m_center2;
494  }
500  const T&
501  getRadius() const noexcept
502  {
503  return m_radius;
504  }
510  virtual T
511  signedDistance(const Vec3T<T>& a_point) const noexcept override
512  {
513  T d = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
515  if (m_length > 0.0 && m_radius > 0.0) {
516  const Vec3T<T> point = a_point - m_center;
517  const T para = dot(point, m_axis);
518  const Vec3T<T> ortho = point - para * m_axis; // Distance from cylinder axis.
520  const T w = ortho.length() - m_radius; // Distance from cylinder wall. < 0
521  // on inside and > 0 on outside.
522  const T h = std::abs(para) - 0.5 * m_length; // Distance from cylinder top. < 0 on
523  // inside and > 0 on outside.
525  constexpr T zero = T(0.0);
527  if (w <= zero && h <= zero) { // Inside cylinder
528  d = (std::abs(w) < std::abs(h)) ? w : h;
529  }
530  else if (w <= zero && h > zero) { // Above one of the endcaps.
531  d = h;
532  }
533  else if (w > zero && h < zero) { // Outside radius but between the
534  // endcaps.
535  d = w;
536  }
537  else {
538  d = sqrt(w * w + h * h);
539  }
540  }
542  return d;
543  }
545 protected:
575 };
580 template <class T>
582 {
583 public:
595  InfiniteCylinderSDF(const Vec3T<T>& a_center, const T& a_radius, const size_t a_axis) noexcept
596  {
597  m_center = a_center;
598  m_radius = a_radius;
599  m_axis = a_axis;
600  }
606  virtual T
607  signedDistance(const Vec3T<T>& a_point) const noexcept override
608  {
609  Vec3T<T> delta = a_point - m_center;
610  delta[m_axis] = 0.0;
612  const T d = delta.length() - m_radius;
614  return d;
615  }
617 protected:
631  size_t m_axis;
632 };
638 template <class T>
640 {
641 public:
645  CapsuleSDF() = delete;
653  CapsuleSDF(const Vec3T<T>& a_tip1, const Vec3T<T> a_tip2, const T& a_radius) noexcept
654  {
655  const Vec3T<T> axis = (a_tip2 - a_tip1) / length(a_tip2 - a_tip1);
656  m_center1 = a_tip1 + a_radius * axis;
657  m_center2 = a_tip2 - a_radius * axis;
658  m_radius = a_radius;
659  }
665  virtual T
666  signedDistance(const Vec3T<T>& a_point) const noexcept override
667  {
668  const Vec3T<T> v1 = a_point - m_center1;
669  const Vec3T<T> v2 = m_center2 - m_center1;
671  const T h = clamp(dot(v1, v2) / dot(v2, v2), T(0.0), T(1.0));
672  const T d = length(v1 - h * v2) - m_radius;
674  return d;
675  }
677 protected:
692 };
697 template <class T>
699 {
700 public:
704  InfiniteConeSDF() = delete;
711  InfiniteConeSDF(const Vec3T<T>& a_tip, const T& a_angle) noexcept
712  {
713  constexpr T pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
715  m_tip = a_tip;
716  m_c.x = std::sin(0.5 * a_angle * pi / 180.0);
717  m_c.y = std::cos(0.5 * a_angle * pi / 180.0);
718  }
724  {}
730  virtual T
731  signedDistance(const Vec3T<T>& a_point) const noexcept override
732  {
733  const Vec3T<T> delta = a_point - m_tip;
734  const Vec2T<T> q(sqrt(delta[0] * delta[0] + delta[1] * delta[1]), -delta[2]);
736  const T d1 = length(q - m_c * std::max(dot(q, m_c), T(0.0)));
737  const T d2 = d1 * ((q.x * m_c.y - q.y * m_c.x < 0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0);
739  return d2;
740  }
742 protected:
752 };
757 template <class T>
759 {
760 public:
764  ConeSDF() = delete;
772  ConeSDF(const Vec3T<T>& a_tip, const T& a_height, const T& a_angle) noexcept
773  {
774  constexpr T pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
776  m_tip = a_tip;
777  m_height = a_height;
778  m_c.x = std::sin(0.5 * a_angle * pi / 180.0);
779  m_c.y = std::cos(0.5 * a_angle * pi / 180.0);
780  }
785  virtual ~ConeSDF()
786  {}
792  virtual T
793  signedDistance(const Vec3T<T>& a_point) const noexcept override
794  {
795  const Vec3T<T> delta = a_point - m_tip;
796  const T dr = sqrt(delta[0] * delta[0] + delta[1] * delta[1]);
797  const T dz = delta[2];
799  constexpr T zero = T(0.0);
800  constexpr T one = T(1.0);
802  const Vec2T<T> q = m_height * Vec2T<T>(m_c.x / m_c.y, -1.0);
803  const Vec2T<T> w = Vec2T<T>(dr, dz);
804  const Vec2T<T> a = w - clamp(dot(w, q) / dot(q, q), zero, one) * q;
805  const Vec2T<T> b = w - Vec2T<T>(q.x * clamp(w.x / q.x, zero, one), q.y);
807  auto sign = [](const T& x) { return (x > zero) - (x < zero); };
809  const T k = sign(q.y);
810  const T d = std::min(dot(a, a), dot(b, b));
811  const T s = std::max(k * (w.x * q.y - w.y * q.x), k * (w.y - q.y));
813  return sqrt(d) * sign(s);
814  }
816 protected:
831 };
836 template <class T>
838 {
839 public:
843  RoundedBoxSDF() = delete;
852  RoundedBoxSDF(const Vec3T<T>& a_dimensions, const T a_curvature) noexcept
853  {
854  this->m_dimensions = 0.5 * a_dimensions;
856  m_sphere = std::make_shared<SphereSDF<T>>(Vec3T<T>::zero(), a_curvature);
857  }
862  virtual ~RoundedBoxSDF() noexcept
863  {}
868  virtual T
869  signedDistance(const Vec3T<T>& a_point) const noexcept override
870  {
871  return m_sphere->value(a_point - clamp(a_point, -m_dimensions, m_dimensions));
872  }
874 protected:
878  std::shared_ptr<SphereSDF<T>> m_sphere;
884 };
889 template <class T>
891 {
892 public:
900  PerlinSDF(const T a_noiseAmplitude,
901  const Vec3T<T> a_noiseFrequency,
902  const T a_noisePersistence,
903  const unsigned int a_noiseOctaves) noexcept
904  {
905  m_noiseAmplitude = a_noiseAmplitude;
906  m_noiseFrequency = a_noiseFrequency;
907  m_noisePersistence = std::min(1.0, a_noisePersistence);
908  m_noiseOctaves = std::max(static_cast<unsigned int>(1), a_noiseOctaves);
910  // By default, use Ken Perlin's original permutation table
911  for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
912  m_permutationTable[i] = s_perlinPermutationTable[i];
913  m_permutationTable[i + 256] = s_perlinPermutationTable[i];
914  }
916 #if 1 // Development code
917  std::random_device rd;
918  std::mt19937 g(0);
920  this->shuffle(g);
921 #endif
922  }
927  virtual ~PerlinSDF() noexcept
928  {}
934  virtual T
935  signedDistance(const Vec3T<T>& a_point) const noexcept override
936  {
937  T ret = 0.0;
939  Vec3T<T> curFreq = m_noiseFrequency;
940  T curAmp = 1.0;
942  for (unsigned int curOctave = 0; curOctave < m_noiseOctaves; curOctave++) {
943  ret += 0.5 * curAmp * (1 + this->noise(a_point * curFreq));
945  curFreq = curFreq / m_noisePersistence;
946  curAmp = curAmp * m_noisePersistence;
947  }
949  return ret * m_noiseAmplitude;
950  };
960  template <class URNG>
961  void
962  shuffle(URNG& g) noexcept
963  {
965  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
966  m_permutationTable[i] = i;
967  }
969  std::shuffle(m_permutationTable.begin(), m_permutationTable.begin() + 256, g);
971  for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
973  }
974  }
980  std::array<int, 512>&
982  {
983  return m_permutationTable;
984  }
986 protected:
1005  std::array<T, 512> m_permutationTable;
1010  unsigned int m_noiseOctaves;
1018  virtual T
1019  lerp(const T t, const T a, const T b) const noexcept
1020  {
1021  return a + t * (b - a);
1022  };
1028  virtual T
1029  fade(const T t) const noexcept
1030  {
1031  return t * t * t * (t * (t * 6 - 15) + 10);
1032  };
1041  T
1042  grad(const int hash, const T x, const T y, const T z) const noexcept
1043  {
1044  const int h = hash & 15;
1045  const T u = h < 8 ? x : y;
1046  const T v = h < 4 ? y : h == 12 || h == 14 ? x : y;
1047  return ((h & 1) == 0 ? u : -u) + ((h & 2) == 0 ? v : -v);
1048  }
1054  T
1055  noise(const Vec3T<T>& a_point) const noexcept
1056  {
1057  // Lower cube corner
1058  const int X = static_cast<int>(std::floor(a_point[0])) & 255;
1059  const int Y = static_cast<int>(std::floor(a_point[1])) & 255;
1060  const int Z = static_cast<int>(std::floor(a_point[2])) & 255;
1062  // Relative distance wrt lower cube corner
1063  const double x = a_point[0] - std::floor(a_point[0]);
1064  const double y = a_point[1] - std::floor(a_point[1]);
1065  const double z = a_point[2] - std::floor(a_point[2]);
1067  // Fade curves
1068  const double u = fade(x);
1069  const double v = fade(y);
1070  const double w = fade(z);
1072  // Hash coordinates of 8 cube corners
1073  const int A = m_permutationTable[X] + Y;
1074  const int AA = m_permutationTable[A] + Z;
1075  const int AB = m_permutationTable[A + 1] + Z;
1076  const int B = m_permutationTable[X + 1] + Y;
1077  const int BA = m_permutationTable[B] + Z;
1078  const int BB = m_permutationTable[B + 1] + Z;
1080  // Add blended results from 8 corners of cube
1081  return lerp(
1082  w,
1083  lerp(v,
1084  lerp(u, grad(m_permutationTable[AA], x, y, z), grad(m_permutationTable[BA], x - 1, y, z)),
1085  lerp(u, grad(m_permutationTable[AB], x, y - 1, z), grad(m_permutationTable[BB], x - 1, y - 1, z))),
1086  lerp(v,
1087  lerp(u, grad(m_permutationTable[AA + 1], x, y, z - 1), grad(m_permutationTable[BA + 1], x - 1, y, z - 1)),
1088  lerp(u,
1089  grad(m_permutationTable[AB + 1], x, y - 1, z - 1),
1090  grad(m_permutationTable[BB + 1], x - 1, y - 1, z - 1))));
1091  };
1092 };
1096 #endif
constexpr const T clamp(const T &v, const T &lo, const T &hi)
Clamp function. Returns lo if v < lo and hi if v > hi. Otherwise returns v.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:36
Declaration of a various bounding volumes used for bounding volume hierarchy.
Abstract base class for representing a signed distance function.
Vec2T< T > max(const Vec2T< T > &u, const Vec2T< T > &v) noexcept
Maximum function. Returns new vector with component-wise minimums.
T length(const Vec2T< T > &v) noexcept
Length function.
T dot(const Vec2T< T > &u, const Vec2T< T > &v) noexcept
Dot product function.
Vec2T< T > min(const Vec2T< T > &u, const Vec2T< T > &v) noexcept
Minimum function. Returns new vector with component-wise minimums.
Signed distance field for an axis-aligned box.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:217
const Vec3T< T > & getHighCorner() const noexcept
Get upper-right corner.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:266
const Vec3T< T > & getLowCorner() const noexcept
Get lower-left corner.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:246
Disallowed default constructor.
Vec3T< T > & getHighCorner() noexcept
Get upper-right corner.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:276
virtual T signedDistance(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept override
Signed distance function for sphere.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:286
Vec3T< T > m_loCorner
Low box corner.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:310
Vec3T< T > m_hiCorner
High box corner.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:315
Vec3T< T > & getLowCorner() noexcept
Get lower-left corner.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:256
BoxSDF(const Vec3T< T > &a_loCorner, const Vec3T< T > &a_hiCorner) noexcept
Full constructor. Sets the low and high corner.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:229
virtual ~BoxSDF() noexcept
Destructor (does nothing).
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:238
Capsulate/pill SDF. Basically a cylinder with spherical endcaps, oriented along the specified axis.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:640
virtual T signedDistance(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept override
Implementation of the signed distance function.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:666
Vec3T< T > m_center1
Capsule center1.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:681
CapsuleSDF(const Vec3T< T > &a_tip1, const Vec3T< T > a_tip2, const T &a_radius) noexcept
Full constructor.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:653
T m_radius
Capsule radius.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:691
Vec3T< T > m_center2
Capsule center2.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:686
No weak construction.
Signed distance field for an finite cone. Oriented along +z.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:759
T m_height
Cone height.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:830
virtual ~ConeSDF()
Destructor – does nothing.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:785
virtual T signedDistance(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept override
Implementation of the signed distance function.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:793
Vec3T< T > m_tip
Tip position.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:820
Vec2T< T > m_c
Sine/cosine of angle.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:825
ConeSDF(const Vec3T< T > &a_tip, const T &a_height, const T &a_angle) noexcept
Finite cone function.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:772
Disallowed weak construction.
Signed distance field for a cylinder.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:445
Vec3T< T > m_center2
The other endpoint.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:554
Vec3T< T > m_axis
"Axis", pointing from m_center1 to m_center2.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:564
virtual T signedDistance(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept override
Signed distance function for a torus.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:511
Vec3T< T > m_center
Halfway between center1 and m_center2.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:559
Disallowed weak construction. Use one of the full constructors.
const T & getRadius() const noexcept
Get radius.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:501
CylinderSDF(const Vec3T< T > &a_center1, const Vec3T< T > &a_center2, const T &a_radius) noexcept
Full constructor.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:458
T m_length
Cylinder length.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:569
const Vec3T< T > & getCenter1() const noexcept
Get one endpoint.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:481
const Vec3T< T > & getCenter2() const noexcept
Get the other endpoint.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:491
virtual ~CylinderSDF() noexcept
Destructor (does nothing).
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:473
Vec3T< T > m_center1
One endpoint.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:549
T m_radius
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:574
Signed distance field for an infinite cone. Oriented along +z.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:699
Vec2T< T > m_c
Sine/cosine of angle.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:751
Disallowed weak construction.
InfiniteConeSDF(const Vec3T< T > &a_tip, const T &a_angle) noexcept
Infinite cone function.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:711
virtual T signedDistance(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept override
Implementation of the signed distance function.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:731
virtual ~InfiniteConeSDF()
Destructor – does nothing.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:723
Vec3T< T > m_tip
Tip position.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:746
Inifinitely long cylinder class. Oriented along the y-axis.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:582
Vec3T< T > m_center
Cylinder center.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:621
virtual T signedDistance(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept override
Signed distance function.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:607
InfiniteCylinderSDF(const Vec3T< T > &a_center, const T &a_radius, const size_t a_axis) noexcept
Full constructor.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:595
T m_radius
Cylinder radius.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:626
No weak construction.
size_t m_axis
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:631
Ken Perlins gradient noise function.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:891
void shuffle(URNG &g) noexcept
Shuffle the permutation with the input RNG.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:962
unsigned int m_noiseOctaves
Number of noise octaves.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:1010
T m_noisePersistence
Noise persistence.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:1000
virtual T fade(const T t) const noexcept
Ken Perlin's fade function.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:1029
virtual ~PerlinSDF() noexcept
Destructor (does nothing)
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:927
PerlinSDF(const T a_noiseAmplitude, const Vec3T< T > a_noiseFrequency, const T a_noisePersistence, const unsigned int a_noiseOctaves) noexcept
Full constructor.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:900
std::array< int, 512 > & getPermutationTable() noexcept
Get the internal permutation table.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:981
T noise(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept
Octave noise function.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:1055
T grad(const int hash, const T x, const T y, const T z) const noexcept
Ken Perlins grad function.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:1042
std::array< T, 512 > m_permutationTable
Permutation table.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:1005
virtual T lerp(const T t, const T a, const T b) const noexcept
Ken Perlin's lerp function.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:1019
Vec3T< T > m_noiseFrequency
Noise frequency.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:990
T m_noiseAmplitude
Noise amplitude.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:995
virtual T signedDistance(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept override
Signed distance function. Generates a distance on [0,curAmplitude].
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:935
Signed distance function for a plane.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:77
Vec3T< T > m_normal
Plane normal vector.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:114
PlaneSDF(const Vec3T< T > &a_point, const Vec3T< T > &a_normal) noexcept
Full constructor.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:89
Vec3T< T > m_point
Point on plane.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:109
virtual T signedDistance(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept override
Signed distance function for sphere.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:100
Disallowed weak construction.
Box of arbitrary dimensions centered at the origin, with rounded corners.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:838
std::shared_ptr< SphereSDF< T > > m_sphere
Sphere at origin with radius a_curvature.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:878
RoundedBoxSDF(const Vec3T< T > &a_dimensions, const T a_curvature) noexcept
Full constructor. User inputs dimensions and corner curvature.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:852
Disallowed default constructor.
virtual ~RoundedBoxSDF() noexcept
Destructor (does nothing).
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:862
virtual T signedDistance(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept override
Signed distance function for the rounded box.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:869
Vec3T< T > m_dimensions
Box dimensions.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:883
Abstract representation of a signed distance function.
Definition: EBGeometry_SignedDistanceFunction.hpp:32
Signed distance field for sphere.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:122
T & getRadius() noexcept
Get radius.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:185
virtual ~SphereSDF() noexcept=default
const T & getRadius() const noexcept
Get radius.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:176
Vec3T< T > & getCenter() noexcept
Get center.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:167
SphereSDF(const Vec3T< T > &a_center, const T &a_radius) noexcept
Default constructor.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:134
const Vec3T< T > & getCenter() const noexcept
Get center.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:158
virtual T signedDistance(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept override
Signed distance function for sphere.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:195
SphereSDF(const SphereSDF &a_other) noexcept
Copy constructor.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:143
Vec3T< T > m_center
Sphere center.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:204
T m_radius
Sphere radius.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:209
Disallowed weak construction.
Signed distance field for a torus.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:324
const Vec3T< T > & getCenter() const noexcept
Get torus center.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:355
T & getMinorRadius() noexcept
Get minor radius.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:405
T m_majorRadius
Major torus radius.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:432
virtual T signedDistance(const Vec3T< T > &a_point) const noexcept override
Signed distance function for a torus.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:414
const T & getMinorRadius() const noexcept
Get minor radius.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:395
Disallowed weak construction.
T & getMajorRadius() noexcept
Get major radius.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:385
TorusSDF(const Vec3T< T > &a_center, const T &a_majorRadius, const T &a_minorRadius) noexcept
Full constructor.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:337
Vec3T< T > m_center
Torus center.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:427
virtual ~TorusSDF() noexcept
Destructor (does nothing).
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:347
const T & getMajorRadius() const noexcept
Get major radius.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:375
Vec3T< T > & getCenter() noexcept
Get torus center.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:365
T m_minorRadius
Minor torus radius.
Definition: EBGeometry_AnalyticDistanceFunctions.hpp:437
Two-dimensional vector class with arithmetic operators.
Definition: EBGeometry_Vec.hpp:31
T x
First component in the vector.
Definition: EBGeometry_Vec.hpp:61
T y
Second component in the vector.
Definition: EBGeometry_Vec.hpp:66
Three-dimensional vector class with arithmetic operators.
Definition: EBGeometry_Vec.hpp:218
static constexpr Vec3T< T > zero() noexcept
Return av vector with x = y = z = 0.
constexpr T length() const noexcept
Compute vector length.
size_t maxDir(const bool a_doAbs) const noexcept
Return the direction which has the largest component (can be absolute)